Two annoying bugs in Ardor 2.4.2 client

  1. With Asset Exchange, it does not sum the transactions, but only adds the transaction on which you specified.

  2. When paying dividend if I have selected option to pay dividend with asset and fill in the asset number but then change to Ignis. Then it seems to remember the asset and I can't use all the decimals.

After I close the dialog and reopen it with the Ignis option, it also asks me to enter an asset number.


With Asset Exchange, it does not sum the transactions, but only adds the transaction on which you specified.

I don't understand what you mean. The sum column in sell orders sums the amounts available for sell. This way a buyer can see how much he can buy at 51,52, etc.

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I show the difference between a coin and an asset exchange

When trading this is important because otherwise you will need a calculator

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And something else

Sorry for my ugly drawings :joy:

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OK, there is a difference between coin exchange and asset exchange and you want the asset exchange to work like the coin exchange - right? In other words you want in the sum column to be displayed the sum of the asset quantities and not the sum of the Totals?

I think that would be correct. That's why I describe it as a mistake.
I think what I have marked in green bubbles is more correct. This is how other exchanges work

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When you click the sum of an order that is further down in the column, the top field should calculate all the orders above

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I will give a good example in a probit. If I click on the third buy order, the side dialog sums up all the orders below shows the amount in BTC that I need to pay

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