in 'addons/JPLSnapshot' , the file reads: "the downloadJPLSnapshot API can be used to generate a genesis block JSON for a clone to satisfy the JPL 10% sharedrop."
So, I have created my own clone, for example. I have two nodes (I have not connected them but just gotten things ready, a bit busy with University stuff. anyways). So once they are running and find each others IP's and ports, will sync as peers - their syncing should start creating block heights, even with zero transactions, right, at a certain pace?
Prior to any forging (I should reread the whitepaper)? I am very "touchy" about (not) doing anything though as I would like to know what it is I am doing and not merely following instructions that I do not comprehend, or need help and affirming what I do or do not know...
I have also created new accounts for my new NXT blockchain clone, to have new genesisAccounts.json
My question really is, if the JPLSnapshot takes thus the block height from the current blockchain, and does not specifically refer to the NXT blockchain height (looking for it on the internet via specified ports and IP's, but that the snapshot is relative to the API within which it is running?, and so will refer to my new clone's current block height. Is my understanding of this JPLSnapshot correct? I am not sure? I have not gotten to the stage of forging coins for my new accounts and clone, but just don't want to hit a wall if I misunderstood what the JPLSnapshot does...
Because if I do not understand correctly I won't be able to forge, in order to provide 10% to Jelurida. However I would like to donate 20% of my blockchain to Jelurida.
I am very curious about this blockchain technology from you, and the fact its been so massively ignored. Did you hear about Vitalik Buterin recently mentioning his thoughts on POS But that he wants to implement it - I remember in 2014 that I did not buy ethereum because I was under the impression it was a scam premine type situation... How silly I was...
It seems very much a sad and rip off deal that NXT or Ardor are not mentioned. I wonder how you feel about this? Obviously these other currencies are more marketing and fad oriented...?! These are not the only articles ranting about the benefits of POS and having not the slightest representation of NXT or Ardor... it is something that should be of concern, but it appears this is not. It does not appear a political game to be no.1 for Jelurida, even though it appears you are no. 1 as NXT was created in 2013? I mean, first, and ethereum is no. 1.
I hope you can direct my thoughts around correctly understanding the JPLSnapshot's specific function in relation to the clone's blockchain. or again, if it searches for blockheight from the actual NXT's blockchain?
Is my assumption correct that it refers to the current clone blockchain's height in the API - it is not a snapshot of the actual NXT blockchain, is it? No? I hope my understanding is correct, sorry for obsessing.