Problem displaying old transactions

Hi, I haven't used the ARDR client (version 2.3.3) in a long time. Yesterday I upgraded to 2.3.4 and it seems to be working normally.

However, in the list of my transactions, I only see those with a date after December 18, 2020.
The ending balance of the account is correct... only the old transactions are not visible in any way.

Am I doing something wrong or missing some setting parameters?
Can anyone help me?


Have you tried to list the transactions on another node? Like for example.

I'm assuming you are referring to the list of transactions from the "View more" button on the dashboard.

Also, is there any error on the log of the node?

Hi, I was using it as full node (i dowloaded all database).
But also using as client connected to transaction on view more are not visible

I see only 8 transaction all after 18th december 2020

If you are seeing the same transactions on multiple nodes, how do you know you are missing some?

Because i've this account since 2018, but I don't see initial value from nxt airdop... also for IGNIS.

Maybe these are non transactions?

The Ardor genesis block is slightly different than the Nxt one. All the initial balances and general state on Ardor is logically included on the genesis block but not explicitly written to it. If you check the block 0 you will see it has no transactions.

Instead, the initial accounts, balances and general state is imported from json files distributed with the software. The signature of the block is generated from the contents parsed from these json files and has to match the known genesis signature.

I understand, but so there is no way to view the initial balance sheet? I would need it for my tax advisor who is asking for an accounting of my cryptocurrencies.

Let me check that.

You can find the initial (genesis) balance of an account on the JSON files included with the software. Look under the conf/data directory, you will find a file for each child chain. For example, IGNIS.json. Grep the numeric id of your account (the big decimal number) and you will find the initial balance in NQT format.

I'm afraid there's currently no easier mechanism.