For NXT-Clone it's been happening to me too for a few weeks and I couldn't find a solution. So now I think it's not our mistake.
Open in your browser it should work: http://localhost:7876/index.html# I use chrome and firefox.
nxt.addOns=nxt.addons.JPLSnapshot (it's active but you need to do something else)
If you only need to test and modify the clone, you don't need to activate the JPL license.
When you are ready to publish your clone at that time you will need to activate the JPL license.
Here is a video for the license:
The third video explains how to disable or enable some functions but, when it comes to changing the name of the clone, not following it is not correct. You have to recompile for that, I use iintellij.
"balances": {
"NXT-NZKH-MZRE-2CTT-98NPZ": 10000000000000000,
"NXT-X5JH-TJKJ-DVGC-5T2V8": 10000000000000000,
"NXT-LTR8-GMHB-YG56-4NWSE": 10000000000000000,
"NXT-AHYW-P3YX-V426-4UMP2": 10000000000000000,
"NXT-F92D-3F3F-T35W-44JEE": 10000000000000000,
"NXT-C7Z7-RWVF-9MAG-DDMNL": 10000000000000000,
"NXT-UQLY-GZM3-K7Z3-3K687": 10000000000000000,
"NXT-4AWN-J45Q-RVWU-BJ6EV": 10000000000000000,
"NXT-VPZZ-BM5R-YR8R-FQW7E": 10000000000000000,
"NXT-U2NZ-6NBL-M8F2-ED6X6": 10000000000000000,
"publicKeys": [
Login with password from 0 to 9
"epochBeginning":"2022-12-31 12:00:00 +0000"
Choose a date that is around 24-48 hours away.
Too young a date will cause the clone to activate only then, while too old a date should give you problems.