Guidance on Integrating Lightweight Smart Contracts with Jelurida API


I am exploring the integration of lightweight smart contracts with the Jelurida API for a project. I would like to understand the best practices for implementing & deploying these contracts; particularly focusing on interaction with external systems via API calls. :upside_down_face:

Are there any example projects ;recommended libraries to get started? :thinking: I have checked Lightweight Contracts documentation and aws developer course guide but still need advice .

Additionally; I would appreciate any advice on debugging and testing these contracts effectively.

Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:




Hi, you can see examples in addons/src/java/com/jelurida/ardor/contracts/

You can debug your code while writing tests (see the example tests in addons/test/java/com/jelurida/ardor/contracts/ ), or you can deploy the contract in Ardor and start Ardor in debug mode.

The deployment is overall explained in Lightweight Contracts#Contract_Deployment which you already already referenced. Let us know if anything in that section is unclear.