Fail on broadcast transaction

My best guess is there is an issue with the signing on my transaction, but this error I get from the Ardor node seems odd:

{"errorDescription":"Incorrect transactionBytes: null","errorCode":4,"requestProcessingTime":4,"error":"Unexpected character (v) at position 0."}

I am trying to broadcast the transactions with this information:

transactionBytes: 02000000000001b2ba69070f004652486ebc271520d844e5bdda9ac243c05dcbe7bc9b93807073a32177a6f73d420a729e503eae7cc0cf6a0000000000204e000000000000935ae2d80b1d9cb09f19bad1dd754f96a20ace1816743087a563870247a4b509b56f7f612996398d45670acdbea51c314eed0e29894318392cacb7117a7401d15947890036876909c7988aec08000000010006e2f5946f22a36db903c0f42999ae5013d4549ef69315a94a870d743f482d96000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
prunableAttachmentJSON: version.PrunablePlainMessage=1&messageIsText=true&messageHash=06e2f5946f22a36db903c0f42999ae5013d4549ef69315a94a870d743f482d96&message=%7B%22contract%22%3A%20%22EarnExp%22%2C%22params%22%3A%20%7B%22expMsg%22%3A%20%22abc%22%7D%7D&version.OrdinaryPayment=0

and this was the unsigned if it matters:


Unless I'm mistaken, I don't see a v character anywhere, let alone at position 0 and don't understand what the null is about...thoughts?
Just to try something I tried the same transactionBytes and prunableAttachmentJSON on the /test page and got the same error too to I seem to be sending the bytes correctly

Looking at the Ardor source code, I found the error message inside of an if for transactionAttachment so I looked at mine and realized I was encoding it incorrectly. I think it would be good to update the error message there though to suggest there may be an issue with the attachment. Would have saved me a lot of debugging time :slight_smile: