Export NXT and ARDR transactions list?

I was trying to figure out if there is a way to export from NXT and ARDR wallets the list of all transactions as a csv.

I can't find any option in the wallets

Can you help me?

Thank you.

Maybe this

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I am trying the tool to export the tax report.

System Windows 10 Pro:

Ardor-Software installed 2.4.2 (2022)-
Start - download the blockchain complete.
Closed the Server-Software.

Successful installation of the java package

Example - also tried other addresses
run-taxreport ARDOR-X8ZN-WUJ2-SXY3-FBUYC 20190101 20200101
A lot is happening. In the end, I have an almost empty file.

{"errorDescription":"Cannot invoke "nxt.blockchain.Block.getHeight()" because "" is null" ...

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you