Attempting to load invalid block (when nxt.isLightClient=true)


I have this issue again:

2021-05-17 14:50:24 INFO: 2021-05-17T13:50:24.063Z Cannot connect to /nxt-proxy java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempting to load invalid block

But this time only with this setting: nxt.isLightClient=true

Also note that I did apply this patch (Problems Displaying Blockchain in Forging Mode After Exception - #10 by petko.petkov), and it solved the issue when the wallet is running a full node and not a light client.

Any idea?

Hi, could you provide a full stacktrace and steps to reproduce? Are they same as in Problems Displaying Blockchain in Forging Mode After Exception?

Ah, it's an UI error, right? Probably you still have some openAPI nodes which run without the patch? The light client connects to foreign nodes. Seems the error is returned by some of the openAPI nodes the light client is connected to.