Ardor Projects’ Events Calendar, Aug 1st week

This Calendar will be updated on every Thursday.
All informations below are aggregated from Ardor community. If you have something to update, please send message to @Ardorbaby on Telegram.

What happened last week

■ (July 27th) Mythical Beings announced the winner of its first contest of searching local creatures
■ (July 27th) BridgeChamp announced updated roadmap
■ (July 27th) Freebird: v2.2.1 was released with new features
■ (July 28th) Triffic announced its new webpage
■ (July 28th) Triffic introduced new brand of revenue-generating augmented Reality NFTs feature : GeoMorfs
■ (July 28th) Two empirical research studies on Ignis were highlighted by Coinpost
■ (July 28th) NFTMagic announced performance update


■ (Aug 2nd-6th) Jelurida Africa collaborates with Africa Blockchain Institute to run Blockchain Summer Bootcamp(For Teens)
■ (Aug 3rd) Triffic was mentioned as one of 4 projects bridging crypto to real world by Cryptocompare
■ (Aug 3rd) Tarasca was mentioned as one of new NFT’s game changing trends by Newsbtc
■ (Aug 4th) NFTMagic, pre-announcement : a couple of crazy things are about to happen on NFTMagic
■ (Aug 5th) Triffic app v2.0.4 was released!
■ (Aug 5th) Coin Social Story added NXT metrics on platform
■ (Aug 8th) Last day of Mythical Beings contest : What is your favorite MythicalBeings card?

■ (Aug 15th) ABDC II — applications will be open
■ (Aug) Bridge Champ starts closed beta of casual games
■ (Aug) Coalculus(Partner) : Enterprise chain eBmA — Launch eBmA platform for users to Send and Received encrypted PDF Files

■ (TBD) Coalculus(Partner) : Enterprise chain eBmA — launch eBmA encryption Web App
■ (TBD) launches NFT Explorer start version
■ (TBD) Tarasca, launches crowdfunding for boardgame
■ (TBD) update : Cabinet, Community Telegram support program


■ (Sept 17th) Jelurida will participate in “Blockchain per Catalunya”
■ (Sept) E-ABDC hosted by Jelurida Africa starts(For 3month)
■ (Sept) Bridge Champ starts open beta of casual games and closed beta for mobile app

■ (3Q) Tarasca, Start of Season 2 with new additional cards and game features.
■ (3Q) Triffic will be available to connect GPS pay
■ (3Q) update : Graphic Gallery for Ardor/Nxt memes, Graphic Gallery for Ardor/Nxt memes, Cabinet


■ (Oct) BridgeChamp launches casual games and start open beta for mobile app and closed beta for tournaments
■ (Nov) Coalculus(Partner) : Enterprise chain eBmA — launch Roundcube Webmail Integration with eBmA Web App
■ (Nov) BridgeChamp launched Mobile App and start open beta for tournaments and closed beta for bots
■ (DEC) BridgeChamp launches tournaments feature and start open beta for bots and closed beta for teaching modules

■ (4Q) Triffic : In-app subscription and Beacon Hunting feature for Non AR device will be available
■ (4Q) GPS Pay implements Payment Gateway : GPS Pay users will be able to purchase GPS Tokens and various other cryptocurrencies via credit, or debit card. This service will feature KYC verification that is fully compliant across the world.

/TBD in 2021/

■ (TBD) Ardor Roadmap update
■ (TBD) Sigbro App update : iOS version
■ (TBD) New dApp(Bogoshipo) launch
■ (TBD) QualiSig prototype launch on Mainnet(Project Backed by Austria government)
■ (TBD) Cycle4Value development(Funded by Austria government)

Available now

Coming soon

  • Geoblockchain : Esri Spain’s use case on Ardor. Esri is world №1 GIS software provider. Esri Spain is building tracking solution based on Ardor blockchain.
  • Bridge Champ : Jelurida’s first application to enter the casual gaming market for proof of concept as well as profit.
  • Hotcity(HotCity) : An Austrian project that would let citizens submit data about industrial waste heat spots for district heating, receiving tokens as reward.(Funded by Austrian Gov)
  • QualiSig : Austrian Gov’t Pilot Aims to Secure COVID-19 Communications With Blockchain Tech
  • Cycle4value( :Austrian project to encourage cycling as transportation
  • TreeCoin( : An STO project aiming to reforestation.
  • MyDigiCert(Jelurida Africa) : A platform allows issuers to store certificates on the blockchain
  • Bogoshipo( : A pet game on Ignis child chain
  • Xendbit( : A fully decentralised blockchain platform that allows users to trade safely and securely without risking customer funds.
  • : An Ignis-based digital assets NFT marketplace

+More will soon get out of stealth mode.

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