Working with bridge (ERC-1155)

I have a doubt about all this....

If I have autoMintErc1155 activated, do I need to configure the ARDOR addresses in autoMintWhitelistedIssuers of all the people who are going to use it? It is unfeasible.

It should be open. It should not accept addresses, it should accept ARDOR assets.

So anyone with a given asset could send it to the bridge and it would work.

Allowing any asset to be pegged would be a security issue. Aren't all assets issued by specific account? How do you designate an assets known to Mythical Beings from other assets?

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Ah, now I think I understand.

The account must belong to the issuer of the assets. Not of the users who own it, right?

yes, you whitelist asset issuers, not owners. But it is likely that some project requires different approach, so let me know if this is the case

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Everything is fine, thank you!

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What is this error? Have I reached the maximum contract size?

2023-03-20 13:18:02 SEVERE: main Contract AssetsErc1155Peg not uploaded, response {"errorDescription":"Failed to broadcast transaction: Invalid data length: 43449","errorCode":4,"requestProcessingTime":127,"error":"nxt.NxtException$NotValidException: Invalid data length: 43449"}
2023-03-20 13:18:02 SEVERE: main Upload error: {"errorDescription":"Failed to broadcast transaction: Invalid data length: 43449","errorCode":4,"requestProcessingTime":127,"error":"nxt.NxtException$NotValidException: Invalid data length: 43449"}

What is the maximum size?

your contract got too big. There is a limit on its size and the bridge is almost at the limit already

Any way to compress or save space?

I haven't found such way. So far I moved code to the libraries